Research Personal Sites Ideas


I like the idea of what Callie Schweitzer did with adding quick links at the top of how to make it simple to navigate. I would possibly add this into my personal website. I love the whole layout of Anthony Wiktor design. To get in contact with him he added "want to move forward and drop a line" I think I wouldn't mind adding that element. along with the links to his different social media links. I thought that was pretty interesting. I also found it interesting how Red Russak used the years he did everything up to now.  

  1. Home/Landing Page

I plan to maybe have a photo of me

2. About Me/Bio Info

underneath the photos I will have my personal information. 


on its own page.

4.Portfolio (various work by students: writing, design, art, photography, research, experience, etc.)

on its own separate page. 

5.Social Media Research Page (preparing for Student Symposium Panel.)

Adding links to my social media pages. 

adding on a 

  • Special Interests Page.


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