Reading in a Whole New Way/ Reading on Screens, letter-writing exercise

I read the article Reading in a Whole New Way. I found it to be very interesting on the ideas/outlooks of how one would interpret readings during past times. The article mentions "Text was written without spaces between words until the 11th century. Being able to read silently to yourself was considered an amazing talent. Writing was an even rarer skill."  This statement really sparked my attention, being that I wouldn't find it easy to read text without any spacing, being how I was taught to read in society today. I could only imagine how hard it was to read. I question the second statement of “Being able to read silently to yourself was considered an amazing talent”. If this is considered an amazing talent then shouldn't we consider being able to comprehend what you are reading as a talent as well? I feel as if the importance of reading is understanding what is being said. 

“We are now people of the screen. Using their thumbs instead of pens, young people in college or at work around the world collectively write 12 billion quips per day from their phones”. These quotes from the article Reading in a Whole New Way. stood out to me because as time has changed over the years we see a lot of technology being used in our everyday lives. People have TVs in their showers, bluetooth, wireless headphones, and computers. Even from the perspective of being a college student I experience doing a lot of assignments straight from my phone or I pad just for the convenience of not having to go sit at a desk top. 

After reading the article Reading in a Whole New Way i gathered the information in the text to be somewhat factual. From the text it states “in addition, the LED screen’s constant flickering glow creates more work for our eyes, causing visual and mental fatigue”. This quote is relatable to me because after a few hours of screen time for me I get very tired and eyes start to burn. This reading helped me understand a lot of the different challenges that we face using digital media without even realizing it. I appreciate the given facts from other outside sources within this article to help me better believe what they are stating is facts and not just opinion based. 

I can say that both articles really expanded on how we see and use technology. I think if one was to want to know how technology is seen in our everyday lives both articles display a lot of that information helping one to gain a better understanding. 

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